So, I have been out of the hospital about a week now. My test results came back that I had a strep infection, who knew you could get strep in your head! The hospital put a pic line in my arm which is a semi permanent IV line that goes to the vein to my heart, I know it sounds scary right! The doctor told me it wouldn't hurt when they put the line it....ha ha what liars! It felt like I was being zapped from the inside, not to mention they had to try 4 different veins before they could finally get the line it, thank goodness for water proof mascara! Now I have a home health nurse that comes once a week to change the dressing on my pick line, take blood, and ask me how many times I pooped (ha ha ha). I have to give myself IV antibiotics twice a day for three weeks, only two weeks left! It's really not too bad, I have to wear this white sock like thing on my arm to cover the tubes, for some reason I keep having the desire to do the moonwalk hmmm... I will be back in st george on the 5th of august, and will be ready to start school again.