Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Moonwalking and Picc Lines

So, I have been out of the hospital about a week now. My test results came back that I had a strep infection, who knew you could get strep in your head! The hospital put a pic line in my arm which is a semi permanent IV line that goes to the vein to my heart, I know it sounds scary right! The doctor told me it wouldn't hurt when they put the line it....ha ha what liars! It felt like I was being zapped from the inside, not to mention they had to try 4 different veins before they could finally get the line it, thank goodness for water proof mascara! Now I have a home health nurse that comes once a week to change the dressing on my pick line, take blood, and ask me how many times I pooped (ha ha ha). I have to give myself IV antibiotics twice a day for three weeks, only two weeks left! It's really not too bad, I have to wear this white sock like thing on my arm to cover the tubes, for some reason I keep having the desire to do the moonwalk hmmm... I will be back in st george on the 5th of august, and will be ready to start school again.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Just when I thought it was over

I know what you are all thinking....I love Kalani's new look! Well let me tell ya, it's just not that cute. So obviously I am back in the hospital AGAIN! I mean seriously, how many times do I have to be in this hospital before the name changes to ST. Kalani's Hospital instead of ST. Marks? So since I left the hospital the first time I have had a small bump on my incision that was a little gooshy. My doc kept telling me it was normal and not to worry about it, so I tried not to worry about it. Well, when I got back to hurricane I came down with the flu and suddenly my bump became much much bigger, and had spread to my neck, now I just looked and felt like some typ of deformed water buffalo. So I went to he er in st george with a fever of 102 and my giant buffalo head and neck. They took fluid out, and said it was clear which meant no infection, and said it was a ceroma and not to worry. Next they gave me something funky in my IV, all I know is I was singing that song that goes "Do the hellen keller and talk with your hips" as I was being wheeled to the cat scan room. I briefly remember asking if I could ride in the little red wagon they use for little kids. Hmmmm I wonder what they heck they gave me, and whatever it was they really needed to give me a doggy bag to take home. Anyway to make a long story short I obsessed about my bump and went to see my doc in salt lake, he took some of the fluid out of my buffalo head and found a small amount of infection. When he stuck the needle into my buffalo neck it squirted everywhere (you know how a capri sun does if you squeeze it to hard) and he sucked as much as he could out and then wrapped my head supper tight with theses cute white bandages.

Tomorrow I will find out what type of bacteria grew on my buffalo head juice, and I may have to have more surgery tomorrow. WOO I am so not excited about it, hopefully the IV antibiotics will work and I won't have to be cut open again!